Biomedical Resource Center



What we do

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is dedicated to promoting the ethical and humane care and use of animals in research, teaching, and testing at the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education. Our mission is to ensure compliance with federal regulations, institutional policies, and high standards of animal welfare. The IACUC plays a critical role in reviewing, approving, and overseeing research protocols involving animals, ensuring that research is conducted responsibly and in alignment with ethical standards.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Protocol Review and Approval: The IACUC evaluates research protocols to ensure that the use of animals is scientifically justified, and that potential harm to animals is minimized. This includes assessing the necessity of using animals, the number of animals required, and the potential for pain or distress.
  • Monitoring Animal Welfare: We conduct regular inspections of animal facilities and procedures to ensure that animals are housed and cared for in accordance with applicable laws and ethical standards. This includes reviewing environmental conditions, veterinary care, and overall animal well-being.
  • Training and Education: The IACUC provides training and educational resources to researchers and staff on animal welfare, ethical practices, and regulatory requirements. This ensures that those involved in animal research are fully informed about best practices for animal care and handling.
  • Advisory Role: We serve as a resource for researchers, offering guidance on the design of animal research to minimize harm and optimize animal care. The IACUC also offers recommendations for alternatives to animal use and strategies for reducing animal numbers.
  • Compliance with Regulations: The IACUC ensures that all animal use is in compliance with relevant federal, state, and local laws, including the Animal Welfare Act, the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
  • Review of Serious Incidents: In the case of unexpected adverse events or violations of animal welfare policies, the IACUC conducts thorough reviews and investigations to determine appropriate corrective actions.

Through these activities, the IACUC strives to balance the scientific goals of research with the ethical obligation to provide animals with the highest standards of care. Our commitment to animal welfare ensures that research is conducted in a responsible, humane, and scientifically valid manner.